Strotas – Channels/Ducts of Transportation

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The entire body is composed of uncountable channels called srotas. These are the spaces that carry and transform materials.

There are 13 subtypes of srotas. Three input srotas – anna (food), udaka (water) and prāṇa (breath/air), seven srotas for seven dhātus, three srotas for three malas. ‘Vaha’ is indicative of a carrier flow. Hence, Prāṇavaha is the carrier of ‘breath’/ ‘prāṇa’ and so on.

Each of these has its defined sources/base, which are important to remember.

Input srotas

1. Annavaha Srotas – Nutrition channel

Root: Āmāśaya (stomach), left side of the flank.
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Excessive food, wrong times, wrong foods, agni vitiation.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: Loss of appetite, inability to taste foods, indigestion, bloating, vomiting, etc.

2. Udakavaha Srotas – Water

Root: Palate and kloma (pancreas).
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Excessively hot food, āma, fear, alcohol, dry foods, controlling thirst.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: Dryness of the tongue, palate, throat, excessive thirst.

3. Pranavaha Srotas: Prana/Breath

Root: Hṛdaya (heart), mahāsrotas (digestive channel).
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Depleted states of dhātu, suppression of natural bodily urges, exercising while hungry, excessive physical exertion.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: Shallow, restricted, excessive breathing with sounds.

Tissue srotas

4. Rasavaha Srotas – Plasma, Serum, or Lymph channels

Root: Hṛdaya (heart), 10 dhamanī (arteries)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Eating very heavy, greasy, cold, excessive quantity foods, worry.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: See in dhātu depletion and increase page.

5. Raktavaha Srotas – Blood and its components

Root: Yakṛt (liver), plīha (spleen)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Eating foods which cause burning, excessively lubricated, hot, increased exposure to sun and wind.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: See in dhātu depletion and increase page.

6. Mamsavaha Srotas – Muscle channels

Root: Snāyu (ligaments), tvak (skin)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Congestive, heavy foods.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: See in dhātu depletion and increase page.

7. Medovaha Srotas – Adipose tissue channels

Root: Adipose tissue – vṛkka (kidneys) and vapāvahana (omentum)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Not exercising, daytime sleep, eating fatty foods, alcohol.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: See in dhātu depletion and increase page.

8. Asthivaha Srotas – Bone tissue

Root: Meda (fat), jaghana (femur)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Excessive exercise, trauma, eating vāta aggravating foods.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: See in dhātu depletion and increase page.

9. Majjavaha Srotas – Nervous tissue

Root: Asthi (bone), sandhi (joints)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Trauma, congestion, eating viruddha foods (with conflicting properties)
Effects of dusti/vitiation: See in dhātu depletion and increase page.

10. Sukravaha Srotas – Reproductive channel

Root: Vṛṣaṇa (scrotum), śepha (penis)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Having sex at wrong times, with wrong people, not having sex, surgery, fiery, alkaline substances.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: See in dhātu depletion and increase page.

Output srotas

11. Mutravaha Srotas – The urinary tract

Root: Vasti (bladder), vaṅkṣaṇa (pelvis)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Suppressing the urge to urinate; intaking of drinks, food, or indulgence in sex while having the urge, suppressing the urge in extreme emaciation and trauma states.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: Excessive urination, frequent urination in small quantities, discolored urination, painful micturition, urine with residue.

12. Purisavaha Srotas – The fecal channel

Root: Pakvāśaya (colon) and sthūlaguda (anus)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Controlling urge, excessive food, indigestion, eating when previous food is not digested, weak agni of a very thin person.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: Defecation with difficulty, pain, or sounds, very loose, chunky, excessive

13. Svedavaha Srotas – Sweat channels

Root: Meda (fat), lomakūpa (hair follicles)
Cause of dusti/vitiation: Excessive exercise, sun exposure, alternate hot and cold environment, anger, grief, fear.
Effects of dusti/vitiation: Lack of sweating, excessive sweat, roughness, hardness, excessive stickiness, burning of the skin

Other srotas which are often mentioned and treated

14. Manovaha Srotas – The mind channels

Effects of dusti/vitiation: Anxiety, depression, bipolar, ADHD, etc.

15. Stanyavaha Srotas – In women, the lactation channels

Effects of dusti/vitiation: Mastitis, breast cancer, etc.

16. Rajavaha (Artavavaha) Srotas – In women the menstrual channels

Root: Garbhāśaya (uterus), ārtavavāhini dhamanīs
Effects of dusti/vitiation: Menorrhagia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc.

17. Maha Srotas

Root: The largest channel from mouth to the anus, containing the Annavaha and the Purīṣavaha srotas

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