
Sweeteners & Condiments

We need a certain amount of sweet taste to maintain tissue development. This is because the basic taste of our body is sweet. White sugars are refined, which means they have been stripped of their nutrition. Thus, as they are absorbed into the body, it takes nutrition and energy from the body to digest the sugars. Absorption may not take place, turning the refined sweet to become āma in the tissues. Raw sweets i.e. cane sugar, maple syrup, etc. contain nutrition needed for helping the body. Sugars relieve burning, thirst, vomiting, fainting, and bleeding diseases.

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wheat, grain, by chaitanya k-368867.jpg


A mainstay in Ayurvedic cuisine, and cultures around the world—are nutritional powerhouses that provide carbohydrates, protein, iron, calcium, potassium, and important B vitamins necessary for a balanced diet.

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