Introduction to Swasthavritta ( Healthy living)
Definition of Swastha (Health) Health Traits (Lakshana/Lingani) Someone in perfect health Importance of Swasthavritta
Definition of Swastha (Health) Health Traits (Lakshana/Lingani) Someone in perfect health Importance of Swasthavritta
Koshta is a unique concept in Ayurveda. It is defined as nature of digestive tract, which represents motility of the intestines and movement of food and fecal matter in the alimentary canal and elimination of the stool.
The Universe is made up of energy and matter. The doshas represent energy and the dhātus represent matter. Dhātus are made up of mahābhūtas which are created from tanmātras. Tanmātras are the different vibrations of universal, cosmic energy. The doshas and dhātus are close friends, who cannot live or function without each other. The doshas work through the dhātus.
In Ayurveda the most common term used to denote disease is roga. The term roga is derived from the root ‘ruk’ meaning pain. Even the diseases that do not produce physical pain inflict some mental agony in the person. Hence the name ROGA is meaningful. The disease is caused by deranged doshas.
This century has transformed how food is prepared and presented to a consumer. Because of the rapid pace of life, we have less access to fresh food and less time to prepare it. So, we are more and more dependent on packaged processed food.
Fruits are great for digestion, enhancing immunity, happiness, and strength. But it is also important to eat them in a right manner otherwise they can cause various stomach issues.
One is in perfect health when the Three Doshas ( Vata, Pitta and Kapha) Digestive fire ( digestion, assimilation and metabolism) all the body tissues & components (Dhatus)(the entire physical body) all the excretory functions (the physiological functions of urination and defecation) are in perfect order with a pleasantly disposed and contented mind, senses and spirit.
In Ayurveda there are six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. Each of these tastes has a distinct effect. Depending on your constitution and the season, these effects can either contribute to or disturb your state of balance. Too much or too little of these foods can cause impurities in the body which can lead to poor health. Ayurvedic food focuses on the combination of flavors and foods so that we enjoy greater satisfaction and energy.
There are Three Doshas which are the energies governing all the functions in the body. While modern medicine is based on the structure of the body, Ayurveda is based on the energies behind that structure. The five Mahabhutas give rise to three Doshas or Tridoshas.