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In Ayurveda considered the most Sattvic food.

*A Sattvic diet shares the qualities of Sattva, some of which include “pure, essential, natural, vital, energy-containing, clean, conscious, true, honest, wise”.

Legend: Effects on the Doshas

– Increase/Aggravates
– Decrease/Pacifies
V – Vata
P – Pitta
K – Kapha

TasteSweet and sour (sometimes astringent)
Post – Digestive EffectSweet
VP↓ K ↑ (Mildly)Balances the three humors
ActionsRelieves thirst, refrigerant, alterative, laxative, mildly cleanses and nurtures, Āma only in excess.
ElementsWater, ether, (more than any other food group)
TissuesBuilds plasma (rasa), cleanses the blood and reduces other tissues in excess, lightness, and purity in the body.
PrecautionsIts ether and cooling effects can cause spacey, ungrounded symptoms. It can overly diffuse our aura, becoming over sensitive and physically vulnerable (as when living in cities or stressful lifestyles). Excess can aggravate Vāyu (air) and kapha mucus, edema, fatigue.
GunasFruit is the most sattvic of all foods, promoting lightness, clarity, harmony, content, intelligence, sadhana (though it does not stimulate us to do mental work).


How different properties of Fruit affects the Doshas.

Fruit JuicesP (sweet) KV­
Sour Fruit with SaltV PK­
Sour Fruit with SugarP ok
Sweet FruitsVP K ­
Sour FruitsVK P ­
Bitter FruitsPK V ­


It is better not to combine certain foods.
Sour fruits (lemons, grapefruit), pineapple, papaya, cranberries, may be taken with meals.
Grains can be eaten with fruit, especially rice.
Sweet fruits are okay with milk.
Do not mix sour fruits with milk as it curdles the milk.
There is an Ayurvedic proverb which says “fruits should either be eaten alone or should be left alone.”


Times either during the day or the season

KaphaFruit is not to be eaten in the morning, a Kapha-increasing time.
Sweet FruitsAfternoon
SeasonFruit eaten in season and ripened naturally is best. It is too cold to have as a sole diet, especially in the winter.
AntidotesWarm sweet spices, ginger, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, cooking fruit also helps.

The Fruit List

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EnergeticsSweet, astringent, sometimes sour/cold/sweet. PKV­(In excess, cooked with cinnamon is neutral)
ActionsAstringent, alterative, refrigerant.
IndicationsDiarrhea, intestinal bleeding or ulcers (pectin binds the stool and promotes healing of damaged membranes), bleeding gums, gallbladder, inflammations, blood cholesterol, detoxifies, chronic enteritis, pitta and Kapha arthritis, herpes, viruses, acid stomach, fiber, detoxifies metals, blood pressure, baked sour apples are better for Vata (excess aggravates Pitta). Apple juice is good for gastritis, colitis, and burning infections.
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EnergeticsSweet, sour/cold/sweet; VP K ­mildly (P ­excess)
ActionsThirst-relieving, anti-cough.
IndicationsFever, constipation, cancer, skin, muscles and nerve disorders, fiber.
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EnergeticsSweet, astringent (unripe)/ cold/sour VPK­ (P ­in excess or acute ulcers)
Unripe: Astringent PKV­
ActionsAstringent, refrigerant, laxative, nutritive, tonic, heavy, strengthening, aphrodisiac.
IndicationsUnripe or not fully ripened fruit help in stopping diarrhea, dysentery, cough, lung bleeding, infants and young children, nerves, alcoholism, vāta hypertension, heart disorders, and hemorrhoids, high in potassium, vitamin C. When taken with Ghṛta and cardamom, they help with hypoglycemia, constipation, and muscle cramps. Bananas build muscle and fat, nerve, and reproductive tissues.
PrecautionsNot for use for Pitta with ulcers, hard to digest, do not drink liquids for one hour after eating a banana. Could be taken by debilitated, those suffering from anemia, preferably with cardamom, ginger, or cinnamon. They are not to be eaten with milk or yogurt or taken with fever, edema, vomiting, or cough with mucus. When unripe, they are good for diarrhea.
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EnergeticsAstringent, sweet/cold/sweet PK↓V↑­
ActionsDiuretic, alterative, hemostatic.
IndicationsExcellent for kidney, urethra, and bladder disorders, intestinal antiseptic, high in vitamin C. Good for Pitta conditions, burning urine, urinary tract stones, and infections, skin rashes, toxic blood, edema, weight reduction (avoid when juice is prepared commercially with sugar).
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EnergeticsSweet, sour/slightly warm/sweet. V↓ K↑ (P↑ in excess or sour ones)
ActionsAlterative (blood cleansing)
IndicationsMental fatigue, insomnia, stress, heart tonic, blood and plasma building, gout, lumbago, motion sickness, poor vision, rheumatism, paralysis, arthritis, stunted growth, obesity. Black cherries (Bipem Kanta) are better for plasma, tooth decay or loose teeth, diarrhea, glands, detoxifies, gallbladder, and liver disorders. Juice has stronger properties. For PMS and menstrual flow, eat 10 cherries on an empty stomach for seven days before menstruation begins.
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Dates (Kharjūra)

EnergeticsSweet/cold/sweet VP↓ K↑ (V↑ if taken dry and in excess)
ActionsNutritive, tonic, aphrodisiac, one of the best fruit strengtheners, demulcent, laxative, refrigerant, febrifuge.
IndicationsAs a tonic, they are taken with almonds, as restorative with buttermilk or kefir. They are good for weak children, lung disease, convalescence, febrile disease, to increase semen and strengthen the reproductive system (may be added to herbal formulas as a tonic). Good for wasting diseases and injuries. Date sugar is a good source of iron.
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Plantain (Moca), Coconut (Nārikela)

EnergeticsSweet / cold/ sweet. VP↓ K↑
ActionsRelieves burning, bleeding, increases reproductive fluid, hard to digest
IndicationsLungs, TB, bleeding, relief from burning, mild diuretic
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Figs (Añjīra)

EnergeticsSweet, astringent/cold/sweet. VP↓ K↑ (V↑ when taken dry and in excess)
ActionsNutritive, demulcent, laxative, antibacterial.
IndicationsHelp to remove urinary tract and gallbladder stones. They are useful for the liver, kidneys, chronic cough, to increase weight, destroy roundworms, hemorrhoids, cancer, digestive disorders, and is high in fiber. Figs are a good source of iron and an excellent blood builder. Taken in the morning with a pinch of pippali, helps asthma. Chewing figs strengthens teeth, tongue, and gums.
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EnergeticsGreen: Sour, sweet/cold/sweet VP↓K↑ (P↑ if sour taken in excess)
Purple, red, or black: Sour.
ActionsRefrigerant, thirst relieving, nutritive, demulcent, diuretic, hemostatic, laxative, aphrodisiac.
IndicationsThey are said to be the best among fruits; give immediate relief from thirst, burning, fever, bleeding, and wasting disease. Vāta and pitta feces retention, hoarseness, alcoholism, dry mouth and cough, TB. They help anemia, heart disease and palpitations, difficult or burning urine, thrush in children, colds, jaundice, and chronic bronchitis. Bright’s disease, gout, edema, cancer, detoxify, biliousness, acidity, liver stimulant, energy, skin disorders, constipation, cleanses all tissues and glands. Black grapes build blood. The juice is used for fevers. Raisins taken with herbs are a blood tonic, debility, sweeten and harmonize the stomach, less likely to aggravate kapha, contain many vitamins and minerals. Eating a handful of raisins daily helps with enlarged liver and spleen. Grapes help counter biliousness and acidity.
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EnergeticsSour and slightly bitter/slightly warm/sour; V↓, mildly P↑, helps liquefy/discharge K
ActionsStimulant, expectorant, astringent.
IndicationsDischarges phlegm when taken in the morning, digests sugars and fats, weight reduction, stimulates liver and pancreas, cardiovascular healing, protects the arteries, cancer preventative, cholesterol, high in vitamin C and potassium. Seeds heal candida and are an antibiotic.
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Guava (Pālevata)

EnergeticsSweet, astringent/cold/sweet; VPK ↓
ActionsNutritious and low in calories, contain fiber and vitamins.
IndicationsGood in anorexia and gout. It reduces cholesterol. As a jelly, it is a heart tonic, rich in vitamin K and relieves constipation. Soaked in water relieves thirst due to diabetes.
Leaves used in diarrhea.
If eating raw, the rind is also to be eaten or else it causes constipation.
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Lemon (Jambīra)

EnergeticsSour, astringent/hot/sour; V↓; P↑ in excess; K↓
ActionsLaxative, refrigerant, relieves thirst, expectorant, astringent, digestive stimulant (juice) stomachic, peel- digestive stimulant.
IndicationsSummer heat, sunstroke (especially with salt), fevers, hot-dry skin, thirst, stops bleeding of lungs, kidney, uterus, GI tract, inflammations, colds, flu, sore throat gargle, bronchitis, asthma, digestive disorders, diabetes, scurvy, fevers, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, neuralgia, the juice helps heartburn, swollen or bleeding gums, cleanses the bloodstream, with honey rids phlegm discharge and reduces fat. Stimulates bile flow, dissolves gallstones, peel regulates liver, spleen, and pancreas, digests sugars and sweets. It will detoxify balanced pitta doṣas. Lemon juice and honey relieve nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and mucus. Juice with baking soda and water relieves gas and indigestion. Lemon juice with cilantro juice in water relieves kidney stones and urinary gravel.
External UseInsect bites, nerve pain, disinfectant.
PrecautionsDo not take with milk, mangos, and tomatoes or in a peptic ulcer.
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EnergeticsSour, slightly bitter/cold/sweet. V↓P↑ excess K↓ fat K↑ plasma.
ActionsJuice -digestive stimulant. Peel-stimulant, stomachache, expectorant.
IndicationsCounters the effects of alcohol, palpitations, malaria, fevers, throat gargle, a glass of hot water, and a tsp each of lime and honey, in the morning relieves obesity and cholesterol. Peel increases energy to the liver; with salt -sunstroke or summer heat.
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Mango (Āmra)

EnergeticsYellow, ripe-Sweet/heating/sweet VPK= (mainly V↓)
Green, unripe-sour, astringent/heating/pungent VPK↑ (except when prepared as chutney)
ActionsDemulcent, diuretic, astringent, refrigerant, skin-astringent.
IndicationsNervous or weak digestion, constipation, vitality, strength, semen, skin, atonic indigestion, constipation. Hemorrhoids, high in vitamin C. It is good for pregnancy and improves lactation. Drinking warm milk with Ghṛta one hour after eating a ripe mango improves energy and vitality. Unripe or sour-aids digestion. Pulp -diabetes, blood pressure. Pickled-
for colds; seed powder – vaginal discharge; high in vitamin C. As chutney, they are eaten with meals, improving digestion and enhancing the food’s flavor. Mango skin is used in diarrhea, dysentery.
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EnergeticsSweet/cold/sweet. P↓K↑ (V↑ in excess)
ActionsRefrigerant, febrifuge, diuretic, aphrodisiac.
IndicationsWatermelon (Ṣaṇmukha) – summer heat, sunstroke, fevers, thirst, vexation, irritability, burning urine (taken with a pinch of coriander) or burning sensations, blood purifier, cleans tissues, bleeding gums, canker sores in the mouth, high in vitamin A and C, (with seeds V=), antiseptic for typhoid fever. With cumin and cane sugar the juice helps urinary conditions, intestinal catarrh, and congested liver. For acne and rashes and to promote soft skin, rub melon rind on skin before bed. Watermelon binds the stool and flushes the kidneys. The best is to eat them three hours after meals. Cantaloupe (Karkāru) is less likely to aggravate Vāta.
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EnergeticsSweet or sour/cold/sweet or pungent. VP↓K↑
P↑ in excess or sour variety. Sweet is the best variety.
ActionsStimulant, expectorant, appetizer, refrigerant, relieves thirst; peel-stimulant, carminative.
IndicationsCounters cough, diabetes, bronchitis, liver, heart disorders, vomiting harmonizes stomach; high in vitamin C and A. A glass of fresh orange juice with a pinch of rock salt restores energy after exercising (Pitta Doshas add 10 lemon drops). A blood purifier, with meals for bile and scurvy. For babies- equal parts with water every three hours with mother’s milk for stomach disorders. For children with anemia of nervous debility mix with grape and orange juice.
PrecautionsAvoid if you have joint pain or bladder disorders.
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EnergeticsSweet, spicy/hot/sweet. VPK=P↑ in excess.
ActionsDigestive aid, toning, demulcent, stimulant, laxative.
IndicationsGood for convalescence and digestive disorders. Good for the pancreas. It regulates sugar metabolism. Cardiac tonic, useful for cough, worms, asthma, back pain, colon disorders, chronic illness, edema, liver enlargement. The seeds are emmenagogue, can stimulate abortion. Unripe juice-anti-parasitic, a blood thinner, prevents heart attack. Externally- the inner skin of the fruit is rubbed on one’s skin for eczema and dermatitis.
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Peaches (Āruka)

EnergeticsSweet or sour/cold/sweet or pungent. VP↓K↑ (P ↑in excess. One peach daily K↓)
ActionsDemulcent, laxative, refrigerant.
IndicationsHelps in fever, cough, colon worms. It heals damaged tissues, relieves allay nausea, vomiting; high in vitamin A, potassium, fiber; cancer, heart disease. Seeds possess better anti-cough and laxative properties, promote menstruation
PrecautionAggravates skin in excess or acute pitta conditions (i.e. rashes). Nectarine is less irritant
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EnergeticsSweet or sour, astringent/cold/sweet or pungent. P↓V ↑(unless baked) K ↑(sweet).
ActionsNutritive, demulcent, laxative, tonic, febrifuge, anti-cough.
IndicationsLung tonic, diabetes, diarrhea, convalescence of lung disease (with cardamom, cloves, ginger, cinnamon), fevers, poor appetite biliousness, hyperacidity, chronic gall bladder disorders, excessive thirst, gout, stomach disorders, laxative (eaten on an empty stomach), enlarged liver, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids.
PrecautionDo not eat with arthritis, diabetes, dry cough, or sciatica.
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EnergeticsSweet and sour/cold/sweet VP↓
ActionsDiuretic, refrigerant, laxative, digestive, stimulant, anti-scurvy, diaphoretic.
IndicationsCleanses the liver, helps in acidity and jaundice, counters the effects of alcohol. Juice relieves constipation and gastric irritability in fevers. To reduce cigarette smoking and nicotine toxicity, chew small pieces of the fruit with half a teaspoon of raw honey. It digests albuminous (protein-like) substances.
PrecautionThe juice will aggravate Pitta. Not given to children under seven years old. Not eaten on an empty stomach in the morning. Not taken within two hours of ingesting dairy products. Unripe pineapples may cause abortion.
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EnergeticsSweet, sour/cold/sweet; VP↓K↑ (Sour is P↑)
VarietiesEuropean: Sweet
Japanese: Sweet/sour
Chinese (Umeboshi or Black Plum): Sour, anti-parasitic, anti-cough, digestive.
ActionsRefrigerant, relieves thirst, alterative, laxative.
IndicationsFever, dry cough.
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Pomegranate (Dāḍima)

EnergeticsSweet, astringent, sour/cold/sweet or pungent, Tridoṣic
ActionsAstringent, alterative, hemostatic, rind-anti-parasitic.
IndicationsBuilds red blood cells (juice), cleanses bile, blood, bilious indigestion, gallstones, hyperacidity, fever, intermittent or malarial fever, diarrhea, dysentery, excessive perspiration, gargle for sore throats, leucorrhea, tapeworm. They are good for the heart, mind, anemia, and digestive aid. Pomegranate binds the bowels, acts as a cardiac tonic, and
helps to relieve hoarseness. The sour, astringent, sweet varieties are the best.
Sweet variety P↓; sour only variety VP↑.
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EnergeticsSweet, sour, astringent (unripe)/cold/pungent; PK↓V↑
ActionsRefrigerant, relieves thirst, astringent; unripe-astringent, leaf-astringent, hemostatic.
Blueberries are a good alternative, refrigerant, astringent (unrelated botanical family)
IndicationsUnripe raspberry is good for excess urination, diarrhea, improves sexual vitality, liver tonic. Blackberries (Jambula) build blood, are good for dysentery, diarrhea, goiter, cholera, hemorrhoids, and insect bites/stings. The bark is used externally on inflammation. The seed powder is useful in diabetes, reducing sugar in the urine and excessive thirst. Raspberry leaves are good for preventing miscarriage, morning sickness (nausea). 10-20 raspberries are eaten on an empty stomach two to three times daily for bleeding gums or excessive menstruation. Fruit is useful for obesity, gout, arthritis, diabetes, constipation, hypertension, kidney stones, and relieving the delivery pains of childbirth.
PrecautionEating more than two handfuls of raspberries at a time may cause vomiting. Taken with dairy products, they can cause hemorrhoids, skin diseases, and ulcers.
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EnergeticsSweet, sour, astringent/cold/sweet; VP↓K↑(in excess)
ActionsRefrigerant, relieves thirst, alterative, leaf-mild astringent, antacid as tea.
IndicationsSimilar to raspberries, it protects against viruses, cancer, DNA damage, herpes simplex, and skin disorders; high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, antioxidants. Ten berries daily may help anemia and pulmonary TB. Useful for obesity, gout, arthritis, diabetes, constipation, hypertension, and kidney stones.
PrecautionTheir skin may aggravate pitta. Eating too many can cause coughing and vomiting.
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EnergeticsSweet/sweet/pungent; VK↓P↑
ActionsAnti-aging, Properties, Improve Digestion, Good for Heart Disorders, Improves Blood Circulation, Treat Diabetes.
IndicationsTamarindus indica is the rich source of alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA), it is one of most important skin exfoliating agent which remove all the dirt and impurities from your skin. It also helps to unclog the skin pores. Mix one tablespoon of tamarind pulp, rock salt, and yogurt. Apply this mixture on your face and massage gently in circular motion for 5-10 minutes and then wash the face with clean water. This will helps to eliminate the dead skin from your face. Do this 1-2 times in a week.

Visit a Holistic Ayurvedic Coach

Talk to a Holistic Ayurvedic Coach to see which fruits are best with your body constitution and which ones to avoid and how simple diet and lifestyles changes can improve how you think and feel.

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Ayurvedic Principles

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