Nuts and Seeds

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Nuts and seeds are rich in proteins, fats and fiber (ojas). They are a great alternative to grains, which are often too carbohydrate rich but deficient in other nutrients.

Nuts are heavy to digest (guru) as they contain a good amount of healthy fat, protein, fibre and also are hot in potency (ushna virya)
Whenever you eat them, make sure you soak them for 6-8 hours. Soaking reduces its ushnata (heat), removes phytic acid/tannins which makes it easy for us to absorb nutrition from them.

Vīrya (Potency)

In terms of dietetics, rasa is of primary importance. In terms of herbs, vīrya is. Generally, Śīta vīrya increases kapha, while Uṣṇa vīrya increases pitta. Vāta works as a buffer. Among the six tastes, three have Śīta (cooling) vīrya and three have Uṣṇa (heating) vīrya.

Vīrya is divided into two types:

1. Śīta (Cooling)

Actions: Increases vāta and kapha, decreases pitta, strengthens the dhātus, stops bowel movements and sweating, increases urination, weakens agni, creates a feeling of refreshment, tones dhātus, increases moistness, nourishes dhātus and creates blockages of channels.

Examples: sandalwood, lotus, and aloe

2. Uṣṇa (Heating)

Actions: Decreases vāta and kapha, increases pitta, increases rakta dhātu, depletes the rest of the dhātus, dries stools and urine, increases sweat, causes agni dīpana and āma pācana, creates
thirst, causes dizziness and opens the srotas.

Examples: Dry ginger, pippalī, and ginger

Overview of Nuts and Seeds

Energetics: V↓PK↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Tonic, nutritive, strengthening, rejuvenating.
Indications: The best source of protein and fat from vegetable sources; increase fat, marrow, nerve tissue, reproductive tissue, ojas, builds blood and muscles, strengthens memory and creativity, Sattvic- helps yoga and meditation.
Seeds: Similar yet lighter, less nourishing, easier to digest, V↑ in excess.


Nuts should be chewed well and not taken in excess. Nut milk prepared with spices (e.g., fresh ginger) is excellent. Fermented nut drinks (amazake) are easier to digest. Nuts are better for vāta if taken with salt. The tonic and demulcent properties of nuts are enhanced when taken with raw sugar (sucanat, jaggery, dates, raisins), hence better for convalescence and debility.

Roasting: Roasting brings out oil. Overly roasted and salted are difficult to digest
Light roasting: Better for Vata.
Unroasted: Better for Pitta but check that they are not rancid.
Nut butter: Are oily and to be used in small doses.
Season: Properties are stored well. Best taken in fall and winter, oiliness K↑ in spring, P↑ in Summer.
Combinations: Does not combine well with beans or starchy vegetables (potatoes) combines well with dairy, most fruits, grains, sugar (though heavier and harder to digest).
Antidote: Mild spices like ginger or cardamom.

Nuts and Seeds List

Almonds (Vātāma)

Energetics: V↓PK↑
Sweet and slightly bitter
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nutritive, nervine, aphrodisiac, demulcent, laxative, and rejuvenator.
Good for dry cough. It increases marrow and semen, strengthens the kidneys, reproductive organs, and brain. The best food for convalescence, debility, builds ojas (life sap). High in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and protein.

Brazil Nuts

Energetics: V↓P↑K↑↑. Oily, heavy
Sweet and astringent
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Tonic strength, nutritive.
Modern research suggests they may improve resistance to cancer and tumors.

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Cashews (Śoephahara)

Energetics: VP↓K↑ (some Pitta may be allergic)
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Expectorant, nutritive, demulcent
Helps deeper tissues. Good for anemia, emaciation, sexual debility. High in potassium, magnesium, vitamin A.

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Coconut (Dīrghavṛkṣa, Śrīphala, Nārikela)

Energetics: VP↓ K↑
Sweet and astringent
Potency/Virya: Cool
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Refrigerant, diuretic, demulcent, emollient.
Indications: High Pitta, lungs, skin, recovery from febrile and infectious diseases.

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Filberts or Hazelnut (Findak-H)

Energetics: V↓ PK↑
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Lighter, easier for kapha to digest.
Indications: May help restore energy in chronic fatigue syndrome, hypoglycemia, and yeast infections.
High in potassium, sulfur, calcium.

Flax /Linseed (Umā/Atasī)

Energetics: V↓ PK↑
Sweet and bitter
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Anti-inflammatory (internal and external).
Indications: Rich in fatty acids, bronchial congestion, and constipation.
Precautions: Taken with lots of liquids and digestive herbs.

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Lotus Seeds (Kamala – White; Padma – Pink; Indīvara – Blue)

Energetics: P↓VK↑ āma.
Sweet and astringent
Potency/Virya: Cool
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nutritive, tonic, calmative, aphrodisiac, rejuvenating.
Indications: With sugar and Ghṛta it is good for Vāyu, increases deeper tissues including Śukra (reproductive) and ojas, nocturnal emissions, leucorrhea, infertility, neurasthenia; combines well with Aśvagandhā and Śatāvarī.
Precautions: Very hard to digest.


Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: May reduce weight.
Indications: Oily, expensive.

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Energetics: V↓PK↑
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nutritive, aphrodisiac, laxative, nervine.
Indications: Nourishes the marrow and nerves, reproductive system, laxative for the elderly, increases appetite, restores energy. High in potassium, vitamin A.

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Energetics: Sattvic, the best of all nuts. V↓PK↑ but less than other nuts.
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nutritive, tonic, demulcent, rejuvenating.
Indications: Strengthen the lungs, nerves, reproductive system. Good for debility, wasting, convalescence. Good as flour.

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Pistachio (Pistā-H)

Energetics: V↓PK↑
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Tonic, sedative.
Indications: Anemia, neurasthenia, builds muscles, energy, may help with alcohol recovery. They are rich in potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium salts, which when combined helps to control hypertension.


Energetics: Cool, moist, heavy VP↓K↑.
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Anti-inflammatory for the digestive tract, laxative..
Indications: Constipation, burning sensation, distention of abdomen
Precautions: Taken with lots of liquids and digestive herbs.

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Pumpkin Seeds (Dadhiphala)

Energetics: PK↓ (light quality) V↑ (in excess).
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Anti-parasitic.
Indications: Parasites including tapeworm and roundworm, gout.
Precautions: Reduces Śukra.

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Sesame Seeds (Tila)

Energetics: V↓ PK↑.
Sweet, bitter, and astringent
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nutritive, tonic, rejuvenator.
Indications: Nourishes all tissues, internal organs, and skin. Aid in the growth of teeth, bones, and hair. Used in debility, convalescence. The black variety is the best tonic. Oil or butter are better to use for nourishing effects. White seeds go rancid quickly. Builds immunity and life sap (ojas), sesame seed milk relieves colitis, gastritis, heartburn, and indigestion.

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Sunflower Seeds (Arkakāntā, Sūryamukhī)

Energetics: VPK=
Sweet and bitter
Potency/Virya: Cool
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Regulate hormonal balance and cholesterol
Indications: Febrile or infectious disease. It cleanses lungs and lymph.

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Walnut (Akṣoṭa)

Energetics: V↓ PK↑.
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Help to feed marrow and nerve tissue, strengthening the reproductive tissues, used as a laxative for the elderly, useful for parasites, ringworm (internal and external use), and skin conditions. Leaves are used as a wash for malignant sores and leucorrhea. High in potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, reduces serum cholesterol.

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