Vegetables Overview
Taste: Pleasant and not too strong in taste
Energy: Even
Post – Digestive Effect: Sweet
Actions: Generally, sattvic
Doshas/Indication: Depend on the following vegetable varieties:
Roots: Heavier, nutritive, V↓K↑P=; Carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beetroots
Leafy Greens: (Including cabbage family) lighter and drying; PK↓ V. Often has blood cleansing properties, the source of vitamins, minerals.
Pungent vegetables: VK↓P↑ rajasic; Onions, chilies
Nightshades: Tomatoes, potatoes, may cause allergies in VP, though if cooked, will cause fewer problems.
Diuretics: Diuretic, drying; K↓ Carrots, celery, lettuce, mustard greens, watercress, broccoli, potatoes.

How different properties of Fruit affects the Doshas.
Vata: Cooked or steamed with oils, salt, and spices, grilled and pickled (pickling is rajasic).
Pitta: Raw (if Agni is strong) or lightly steamed, vegetable juices.
Kapha: Cooked, grilled, or steamed with spices
Unhealthy: Canned food is tamasic, aggravating all humors. Frozen is better than canned but also has lack of Prāṇa
Combining: Combines well with other foods for one’s constitution, particularly grains and beans. Does not combine well with fruit or sugars.
Times either during the day or the season
Season: It is best to eat vegetables according to season (taking into account one’s constitutional requirements)
Spring/Summer: Greens, leafy (i.e. burdock), raw could be used.
Fall/ Winter: Roots, cooked.
Balancing the ingredients: Antidotes can be used sparingly to alleviate improper food combinations.
Cold and Raw: Could be countered by using warming spices: ginger, oil, vinegar (rajasic), garlic and onions (rajasic/tamasic), spicy salad dressing
Dry and Light: (I.E. Cabbage Family) Could be countered by cooking them in stews and curries with heavier vegetables: oil, butter, sour cream, cheese, whole grains, pasta, root vegetables
The Vegetable List

Alfalfa Sprouts
Energetics: PK↓V↑; Decreases Agni
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Alterative, astringent, diuretic.
Indications: Cleanses the blood and lymph, reduces fat, tumors. They are good for toxic blood conditions: acne, boils, skin cancer. Beneficial for arthritis, gout, obesity, edema. They are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Artichoke (Globe) (Kunjor, Hatichuk-H)
Energetics: PK↓V↑ (taking with butter or lemon is better for vāta).
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Alterative, hemostatic, diuretic.
Indications: Cleanses the liver, is good for excessive menstruation, high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, and niacin.

Jerusalem Artichoke (Hastipijū)
Energetics: VP↓K↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Tonic, rejuvenator.
Indications: Rebuilds reproductive tissue, hence useful in impotence, infertility, sexual debility, emaciation. Restores vigor, vitality, ojas, convalescence.

Energetics: PK↓V↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, bitter, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Diuretic, alterative, mild laxative, demulcent, tonic, aphrodisiac, sedative.
Indications: High Pitta, bleeding disorders or infections of urinary or reproductive systems (including venereal disease like herpes and for urinary stones), fever, edema (and cardiac edema), gout, arthritis. Drinking boiled asparagus water helps rheumatism.

Energetics: V↓KP↑ (mildly); best taken with spices.
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Warm
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Tonic, nutritive, demulcent, emollient.
Indications: Nourishes liver, lungs, skin, builds muscles and blood. Good for emaciation, convalescence, reduces the risk of heart attacks, aids in hyperglycemia, is high in protein, contains vitamins A, D, and E; 14 minerals, especially copper and iron, rich in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and manganese, more potassium than bananas.

Energetics: PK↓V↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Alterative, diuretic, astringent.
Indications: Cleanses blood and liver, normalizes liver and pancreas; contains vitamins A, b- complex, C, chlorophyll, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, trace source of inositol.

Bean (Mung) Sprouts
Energetics: PK↓V↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Alterative, antacid, febrifuge
Indications: Counters toxins, cleanses liver and bile, alcoholism, hyperacidity.

Energetics: V↓PK↑ excess
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Alterative, demulcent, laxative, tonic.
Indications: Builds blood, promotes menstruation; beet greens have the same effect as spinach; supports lymph activities, gallbladder, and liver. Good for digestive disorders, anemia (builds red blood cells). Beet juice has stronger medicinal properties but is more likely to aggravate doṣas.

Bell Pepper
Energetics: PK↓V↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Alterative, refrigerant.
Precautions: Nightshade family, causes inflammation.

Energetics: PK↓ V↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cooling
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Alterative, blood, and liver cleanser
Indications: Lowers the risk of cancer of the esophagus, larynx, lung, prostate, mouth, colon, pharynx, cervix, and stomach.

Brussels Sprouts
Energetics: PK↓ V↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Blood and liver cleanser
Indications: Inhibits cancer of the G.I. tract, liver, stomach, and colon, liver tumors, promotes pancreatic insulin, rich in vitamin A, C, riboflavin, iron, potassium, fiber, depresses thyroid function.

Cabbage Family
Energetics: PK↓ V↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Alterative, diuretic, astringent
Indications: They are dry, light, cleansing

Cabbage (Kobi-H), Chinese Cabbage
Energetics: PK↓ V↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Gas forming, the Chinese version is easier to digest.
Indications: Heals ulcers, eczema, infections, heartburn, antibacterial, anti-viral, prevents cancer, scurvy, eye diseases, gout, rheumatism, pyorrhea, asthma, TB, gangrene, blood purifier, rashes, high in calcium, vitamin C and A, sulfur. White cabbage juice removes warts.

Energetics: PK↓ V↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, Astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Sweeter and more Sattvic than the others, demulcent, nutritive
Indications: Combines well with dairy, reduces the risk of cancer (especially rectum, colon, and stomach), good for diabetic people.

Energetics: VK↓ P↑ (in excess); juice: V↑ due to its cold nature, sweet nature makes it hard to digest.
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, pungent
Potency/Virya: Heating
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Digestive, laxative, diuretic, appetite stimulant, alterative, antiseptic; seeds-stimulant, antispasmodic.
Indications: Increases blood flow, builds blood, brightens eyes, rickets. Good for colitis, gout, constipation, worms (eaten raw), arthritis, skin disorders, edema, jaundice, chronic hepatitis, heart disease, healthy teeth, colon disorders, dehydration, complexion. It is an antioxidant, heals skin and tissues, reduces the risk of cancer, diarrhea. Externally- poultice for malodorous, ulcerative sores.

Energetics: PK↓V↑ (the source of minerals for all three humors).
Taste/Rasa: Astringent, sweet, salty
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Astringent, diuretic, nervine; seeds and roots-diuretic, seeds are hot, stimulant, carminative, emmenagogue, antispasmodic (similar to ajwain – wild celery seeds)
Indications: Cleanses mind, emotions, improves perception, increases ether to promote meditation (closely related to gotu kola/Brāhmī in this effect), dizziness, headache, eliminates carbon dioxide, pitta and kapha arthritis, adrenal disorders, weight loss, blood cleanser, good for urogenital infections; promotes digestion, kidney and liver disorders, regulates the nervous system, water retention, diabetes, cancer, lowers blood pressure. Seeds and roots- dissolves stones, arthritis, and gout.

Chilies/Hot Peppers
Energetics: VK↓P↑↑ Agni↑ (rajasic)
Taste/Rasa: Pungent
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Stimulant, diaphoretic, digestive, decongestant.
Indications: Burns Āma, stimulates appetite, indigestion, parasites, lungs (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, tracheal and bronchial cell swelling), blood clots, pain.
Precautions: Nightshade family, causes inflammation.

Cilantro (Coriander Leaf)
Energetics: VPK = (Balances) V↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Stimulant, diuretic, diaphoretic, febrifuge.
Indications: Skin allergies, hay fever, builds the digestive fire, sore throat, hyperacidity, nausea, fever, colds, thirst, cleanses the blood, bile, and urinary tract infection; juice-burning urine; externally, the juice is used for skin diseases, antidotes hot and sour foods (i.e. salsa, chilies, curries, yogurt). Externally the pulp placed on the eyelids relieves conjunctivitis.
Precautions: Nightshade family, causes inflammation.

Corn (Sweet)
Energetics: VPK=K↓; VP↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nourishing, strengthening, corn silk – diuretic
Indications: Corn silk – jaundice, hepatitis, gall and kidney stones, urinary tract infections, edema, brain, and nervous system toxicity. Helps gain weight, bone and muscle builder, vitamin A, B, C, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, and fiber.
Precautions: Avoid if you have digestive disorders or obesity.

Energetics: P↓VK↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Refrigerant, diuretic, seeds – better diuretics, febrifuges.
Indications: Eaten as a raw dessert mixed with lemon juice, pepper, and salt, enables the body to absorb the maximum amount of the cucumber’s juice and vitamins. Summer food, thirst relieving, urinary tract infections- difficult or scanty urine, spleen and stomach disorders, acne, blood purifier; seeds – dispel phlegm and heat from the lungs. Antidotes heavy sticky yogurt properties. Seeds are cooling, diuretic, and highly nourishing.

Eggplant (Vārtāka)
Energetics: VPK=
Taste/Rasa: Pungent, bitter
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nutritive, demulcent, anti-carcinogenic, anti-convulsant.
Indications: Long sizes increase vāta and kapha. Food value, heart tonic, appetite stimulant, mild laxative and diuretic, dull vision, diabetes, cholesterol, immune-boosting. Listed as fruit in Caraka Saṃhitā
Precautions: Nightshade may aggravate allergies, pitta, and arthritis.

Energetics: V↑PK↓
Taste/Rasa: Astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Indications: Blood cleanser, one of the best for cancer-fighting vegetables (lung, stomach, esophageal, colon, oral, throat, G.I. breast, bowel, bladder, prostate). Rich in vitamins A, C, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, sodium, potassium. Phosphorous, and chlorophyll, calcium is easily assimilated.

Energetics: PK↓V↑
Taste/Rasa: Pleasant, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Alterative, astringent, diuretic.
Indications: Calms and cleanses the mind, emotions, blood, lymph, and burning.

Energetics: PK↓V↑ Ᾱma↑ (Tamasic)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Diuretic, astringent, hemostatic. Some Chinese, Japanese, and wild mushrooms are less tamasic and more toning.
Indications: Edema, overweight, anti-tumor, anti-cancer, reduces cholesterol, promotes longevity.
Precautions: Do not eat with conditions of boils, carbuncles, or pus infections.

Mustard Greens
Energetics: VK↓P↑ moderately
Taste/Rasa: Pungent, bitter
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Diuretic, astringent, hemostatic. Some Chinese, Japanese, and wild mushrooms are less tamasic and more toning.
Indications: Seeds discharge phlegm better than greens, high amounts of calcium, iron vitamin A and niacin.

Energetics: VP↓K↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Demulcent, emollient, diuretic, alterative, aphrodisiac, tonic (of the mallow plant family).
Indications: Difficult, painful, or burning urine, diarrhea, dysentery, spermatorrhea, leucorrhea, strengthening, gonorrhea, intestinal disorders, inflamed or spastic colon, diverticulitis, stomach ulcers, and fevers.

Energetics Cooked: VK↓P↑
Taste/Rasa Cooked: Pungent, sweet, Raw-Pungent
Potency/Virya Cooked: Hot, Raw-Hot
Vipaka Raw: Sweet, Raw-Pungent
Energetics Raw: K↓VP↑ rajasic except when well cooked.
Taste/Rasa Raw: Pungent
Potency/Virya Raw: Hot
Vipaka Raw: Pungent
Actions: Stimulant, diaphoretic, aphrodisiac, expectorant.
Indications: Colds, flu, general debility, sexual debility; with oil or Ghṛta strengthening properties of meat, aid for physical exertion. Inhale raw onions (until tearing begins) for fainting and convulsions.

Energetics: VPK=P↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Pungent, astringent
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Stimulant, diuretic, alterative.
Indications: Edema, oozing skin rashes, difficult or delayed menstruation, gallstones, vitamins, hypochondriac pain, kidney stones, minerals, blood, and lymph cleanser, urinary tract disorders, kidney, bladder or prostate disorders; adrenal and thyroid gland conditions, corrects vitamin deficiency, high in vitamins A, B1, B-complex, C, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, and iron.

Peas (Green)
Energetics: PK↓V↑ (green better for vāta)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Alterative, astringent.
Indications: Blood cleanser, prevents appendicitis and ulcers, anti-fertility, controls blood sugar, and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.

Energetics: VPK= (curried is best). May aggravate VP as nightshade. V-use Ghṛta or butter.
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nutritive, tonic, diuretic, sedative (grounds), produces breast milk.
Indications: Strengthens, aids in absorption, diarrhea, cancer, lowers blood pressure, and balances alkalinity and acidity.
Precautions: Diabetics should avoid potatoes and other starchy vegetables.

Energetics: K↓P↑; V↓ (long white variety, also known as Daikon).
Taste/Rasa: Pungent, astringent
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Appetite stimulant, expectorant, anti-cough, diuretic, anti-parasitic.
Indications: Digests heavy foods, relieves colds, flu, respiratory infections, cleanses gallbladder and liver; headaches, laryngitis, sinusitis, gallstones, intestinal worms, contains vitamin A, B-complex, and C.

Sea Vegetables
Energetics: VPK=; K↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Salty, astringent
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Alterative
Indications: Source of minerals, nourishes plasma, relieves edema, congestion, thyroid, cyst, benign tumors.
Sea Vegetable: Dulse
Actions: Rich in protein, fluoride, iron.
Sea Vegetable: Kelp
Actions: High in calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron; excellent for thyroid disorders.
Sea Vegetable: Kuzu
Actions: Gives quick energy.
Sea Vegetable: Nori
Actions: Good for prostate and thyroid disorders, high in protein, B1, B2, B6, B12, vitamins C, E.

Energetics: K↓V↑;P↑ (in excess) cooked spinach is better
Taste/Rasa: Pungent, bitter, sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: Alterative, refrigerant, demulcent, laxative.
Indications: Soothes, mucus membranes, fever, cough, dry cough, burning lung sensation, blood cleanser, rich in minerals, intestinal tract disorders, hemorrhoids, anemia, vitamin deficiencies.

Squash: Acorn, Summer (Heavy)
Energetics: VP↓K↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Demulcent, expectorant, nutritive.
Indications: Fatigue, debility, cough
Squash: Winter
Energetics: VP↓K↑
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Demulcent, expectorant.
Indications: More nutritious than summer, dry cough, laryngitis, high in vitamin A.
Squash: Zucchini and Yellow
Energetics: VP↓KV↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, astringent
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Alterative, diuretic, refrigerant, expectorant.
Indications: Summer anti-heat food.

Sweet Potatoes and Yams
Energetics: VP↓K↑; P↑ (in excess)
Taste/Rasa: Sweet
Potency/Virya: Cold
Vipaka: Sweet
Actions: Nutritive
Indications: Convalescence, debility, reduces the risk of cancer (especially lung)
Precautions: Hard to digest, eat without other vegetables. Yams are easier to digest (less sweet).

Energetics: VK↓P↑; Tridoṣic when occasionally eaten along with cumin, turmeric, and mustard.
Taste/Rasa: Sweet, sour
Potency/Virya: Cool the stomach and heat the intestines
Vipaka: Sour
Actions: Refrigerant, relieves thirst.
Indications: Circulation, blood, heart, cholesterol, hypertension. It lowers the risk of cancer, appendicitis, and digestive disorders.
Precautions: Aggravates toxic blood conditions, acidity, sciatica, kidney, gallstones, and arthritis. Raw seeds can cause abdominal problems. Nightshade causes inflammantion.

Watercress (Ahaliva)
Energetics: K↓ PV↑
Taste/Rasa: Pungent, bitter
Potency/Virya: Hot
Vipaka: Pungent
Actions: High in potassium, sulfur, vitamin A, calcium, and iron, it contains copper, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and iodine.
Indications: Anemia, calcium deficiencies, blood purifier, catarrh, liver and pancreas disorders, stimulates the appetite, thyroid disorders, arthritis, emotional disorders, TB.